Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fish Farming Business

Good day catfish farmer/intending farmerAm here to break down the catfish farming business, because a lot of story surround the business, some are making cool cash, while some are making big lose, some are jumping inthe business while some are backing out of thebusiness.What is catfish farmingA commercial facility consisting of tanks or ponds in which fish are raised for food.As we all know fish is the cheapest source of animal protein and because of its low cholesterol level it is medically recommended as a good food for both the young and elderly.Fish farming in Nigeria is currently a very lucrative business and this is boosted by the continuous rise in the demand for Catfish. It is an Untapped Goldmine waiting for those who can see.But before you venture in the business because of the profit you heard is on the business, have you consider the below point listed by arramyjay in one of his post,ManagementDo you already have suitable ponds or a pond site?Do you have most of the equipment ( pumps, etc.) needed?Do you have the necessary financial resources?Have you made an estimate of investmentcosts and annual cost and return?Have you estimated the impact of changesin fish prices and feed costs on projected income?Will the expected profit provide an adequatereturn for your labor, management and risk?Can you afford to forego income until you sellyour stock (usually 4-6 months after starting)?Can you afford to absorb occasional losses?Are you willing to devote the time and effort required?Do you know of an established market for your fish?Is there a market for your fish at the time of yearyou plan to sell them?Will you have harvesting and transport equipment,or do you have a suitable arrangementfor harvesting your fish?Do you have an alternative marketing strategy?Is the water quality suitable for your fish farming? This is very important.Is the pond area protected from flooding?Are the drains in existing ponds adequatefor rapid draining?Is there daily access to the ponds, regardless of weather,for feeding, treating, and harvesting?Is the pond bottom suitable for harvesting(smooth and stump free)?Will someone live close enough to the pond to allowfrequent observation and necessary management?If you have check all this, and you meet up, then you can proceed.Firstly, your pond, are you planning on a concrete pond or earthen (will advise this if its a permanent place), plastic pond, or tarpaulin pond, you have to consider this four major types of ponds, the ones you consider ok for you. The earthen pond are ponds dug close to the river or stream area, which u have to consider the topography of the land so that flood won't sweep away your fish, the concrete pond are the ones build with bricks, which u have to be caution when constructing it for it not to leak after construction, then d plastic tank, its a mobile tank, and its very durable but it need a slab for easy drainage of water, also the tarpaulin tank, some are constructed with wood, while some are constructed with metal, but there are some imported from china, they are very good and durable, but you have to be caution of small children not to take sharp object near it.Secondly your water, without good source of water, your fish won't grow well, or when your pH is not stable, the water pH for fish should be 6.5-8.5. While 7.0 is the best water pH. You will also have to consider the ammonia level ofwater, what really increase your water ammonia level is when the water is dirty and you don't change it on time, your pond is not located in a clean environment, this makes your die often.Thirdly your fish, you really need to be very caution of where you buy your fish from, buy fish from your close people or someone a friend recommend you to that he or she has a good stock, or better still you go to the person farm to see his or her facilities and see thefish you want to buy, because this is where most people get it wrong, they buy a runt fish and they keep feeding, and it wont grow, when you are buying fish, be sure of the person, because most farmer has sweet mouth to sell their product, they will be calling a 10weeks old fish for 5weeks, because it refuse to grow well in their farm, and when you buy from them it won't grow well. Please when you are buying a fish make sure they give u fingerlings ranging from 3gram to 4gram, and average length of 3cm to 4cm 4weeks plus and juvenile ranging from 5grams and average length of 5cm to 7cm 7weeks plus, but if you are just starting, I will advise you go for the juvenile.Fourthly feeding, feeding takes 70% of the totalinvestment of the business, when feeding your fish, you don't try to cut too much corner, because its like starving the fish and the fish won't grow as expected. All you can is get good source of protein to supplement your fishfeed, and reduce the cost of the fish food. Catfish eat 2% to 10% of their body weight, which meansif your fish weighs 10 grams requires a ration of 8% of its body weight,Amount of feed to be fed per day = 10 grams x 8/100= 0.8 grams feed per fish per day.If there are 1000 fish in the pond, then;= 0.8 g x 1000 fish= 800 g of feed should be given to your fishes per day. That's how you do the calculation on aweekly basis, so as to meet up with their feeding terms, and you can plan to feed them 2or 3 times in a day, but their must be a fix time for the feeding.Fifth you grade or sort your fish every 3 to 4weeks to avoid serious canibalism and also not to make the fish grow normally, because the big will oppress the small from feeding, also change their water every 3 days, but you can change your water everyday if you are using recirculatory system, or doing constant flow through.Six is marketing, who are the people that will buy my fish, we have the market women though they buy ridiculously, but they can clearyour pond in 1 or 2 visit, also hotels, but they don't really buy in large quantity or if they do, they come back maybe after 2 to 3months to buy more, but you can tap into the smoking part, it really boost the profit. Please don't be decieve by the popular saying that a fish sells for 600, presently in lagos and ogun state, the big size sells for 490 to 450, while d medium sells for 440 to 400,and the small sells for 380 to 320.Seven, I will ask myself, which month is the best for me to raise my fish to, is it 2months which I will sell a kg of fish for 320 called melunch, those EGUN at makoko of yaba comes to your farm and clear this set of fish orthe mallams at ibadan express road close to sat gurumaraji camp to clear your fish onces, they smoke this set of fish, and sells out to nigerians who doesn't eat the fresh ones, this fish weighs 200grams to 250grams at 2 months, and maybe like 4 to 5 makes a kilo that sells for 320 in the market the demand for this is very much and brings your money back in a very short time, the 4months set is where 50 to 60% of the fish weigh a kilo, and the rest weigh 800grams below. Then the 6months fishis where 80 to 90% of the fish is 1kg and above.Am analysing this because most people think by 4months their fish should be 2kg plus.The demand for fish according to the federal department of fisheries (FDF) was 2.1 million tons in 2007 while domestic production was 600,000 tons.This deficit was partly augmented by massive importation of fish of about 900,000 tons valued at over $800 million dollars. This is a big drawback on our scarce foreign exchange.This still left a huge deficit of 600,000 tons, hence the concerted effort to ensure self-sufficiency in fish production through aquaculture in Nigeria.The demand for Fish in the country is currently estimated at about 2.66 million tons annually, as against the local annual production of just 780,000 metric tons, giving a demand-supply gap of about 1.8 million tons. It is very clear that the demand is far higher than supply. What do you see as an entrepreneur? Businessopportunity!According to the Norwegian Ambassador to Nigeria, “Nigeria imports fish especially stock fish from Norway, worth over N109.2 billion Naira ($700million dollars) annually”.In a May 2012 report, the Chairman of Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Rivers State chapter, Dr. Awoteinm George revealed that “Nigeria produces just 40 percent of the total Fish consumed in the country”. In other words, a 60 percent local production market is waiting for entrepreneurs to fill.Aquaculture has been estimated to have the potential of producing 2.5 million tons, which if fully harnessed will almost satisfy the local demand for fish in the country. You could take opportunity of this high demand for fish and start a fish farm today.This could be that business that would make you a millionaire.The truth is agro-based businesses are very profitable because they meet man’s basic need-Food. You could start and operate your fish pond right in your backyard, compound or garage. What are you waiting for? Culture Fish and Grow Rich this yearThe above is very true, but please, before you venture into this business,make a lot of research apart from the ones written on this post, also avoid laptop catfish breeder, they breed their own fish from the laptop, they don't have a farm they practice the business, but they have sweet mouth to convince people in the business and at the long run, its a big loose.

How To Make More Money With Affiliate Links

First of all, what is affiliate program?

It's online program where a referral fee or commission from sales is paid when a customer clicks the affiliate link to get to the merchant's Web site to perform the desired action, usually make a purchase or fill out a contact form.For example, if you display affiliate link on your website or social media page and a person clicks on it, the link will open the website you're directing the person to and you will be paid referral fee provided the person performs certain action.But the question is how to make more money with Affiliate links?

1. Focus on a few affiliate programs and promote them heavily rather than signing up for every program out there. It can become too much to juggle. While I personally am signed up for a lot of affiliate accounts, it’s a necessary evil since a signature feature of my blog is a monthly sales roundup. But there are still a very small number that are responsible for the bulk of my sales, and it’s those I focus on the most to maximize my income.

2. Choose affiliate sites that fit well within your blog’s content. That way, you’ll have ample opportunities to share links within your writing from day to day, and your readership will be more responsive to what you’re sharing because it’s within your niche.

3. Sometimes it’s ok to ask. Every once in a while you can just come right out and ask for clicks. “Hey, these are my affiliate links and I’d really appreciate if you’d consider using them next time you make a purchase. It helps me keep the blog running!” And don’t forget to say thanks every once in a while, too.

4. Choose affiliate sites that you have purchased from so your posts will be more genuine. When sharing deals on Facebook along with my affiliate links, I notice that my readers will often ask “Is this a good product?” There’s marketing overload in our society and people get turned off by sales for the sake of sales. But if you can honestly say “Yes, here is the review I did last year!” it will encourage a lot more clicks.

5. Display your collection. Create a page on your blog that lists all your affiliate sites, with abrief description of each. Share this page everyonce in a while on your social media, or link to it within blog posts. It can also be printed on business cards or included in the signature of your outgoing messages.

6. Track your links to see which ones are getting the most clicks. This is especially useful on your blog sidebar, where you can potentially sell ad space if traffic is brisk.

5 Strategies For Generating Wealth During Recession

Recession connotes a negative feeling. A feeling of lack, poverty, pain and loss. Yet some of the most successful companies such as Fed Ex, Microsoft, CNN, HP were started during a recessionary period by the founders identifying and filling a need.
While we hear so much about how the net worth of billionaires and millionaires are shrinking, there are lots of millionaires increasing their net worth or being made. These rich people have created a recession proof lifestyle and do more than survive during a recession?The key to understanding a recession is that the country's economy is different from your personal economy. In fact the economic recession provides the greatest opportunity fortaking your life into your own hands. Just like having a raining season and dry season, individuals must understand that the financial cycle also has seasons like economic boom and recession.

Below are 5 strategies for creating a recession proof life-style. While the figures below my seem very frightening the important thing is to learn from the approach taken by the individuals.
1. Diversify your Income Stream: Meet Ukraine-born billionaire Len Blavatnik who is the richestman in Britain. In 2011, he lifted petrochemical maker LyondellBasell out of brankruptcy amid the financial crises for about $2 billion. By 2014, his investments were worth over $10 billion. He also purchased Warner Music Groupfor $33 billion and invested in tech gaints Spotify and Beats. These investments ballooned his net worth to $15.7 billion. By diversifying his income stream away from his traditional real estate, media and telecommunications business, he was able to ride the recession upwards.
2. Use other Peoples Money: Kemi Egan was a Physical Therapist when the recession hit. Her income began to dry out until she started selling everything she had. As the income driedup, her debts increased. She always had an interest in real estate and felt she could be successful in that industry no matter what position she was starting from. Eventually she was able to raise $1 million to buy $2 million worth of real estate and within 2 years was generating $460,000 from 100 tenants. 3 yearslater, she is in the middle of two $5 million developments. Where does your passion lie and can to you convince someone to invest in you?
3. Do the same thing but differently: While not known to many, Michael J Cullen was the man who revolutionized American life by creating the modern supermarket. A former executive atKroger Grocery and Bakery, Cullen left in 1930sduring the great depression to start a suburban, larger, self-serve supermarket with space for automobile parking when the higher-ups at Kroger rejected his idea for such a supermarket. Within 2 years, his stores where doing more than $6 million in revenues (more than $75 million in today's money). Rather thancopy others, look for what everybody is doing that fills a need and do it differently.
4. Invest or Purchase under-valued assets: In October 2008 during the height of the financial crises, Warren Buffet announced that he was buying $5 billion shares in Goldman Sacs, $3 billion in General Electric among other companies that he was investing it. Like the saying goes, "be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."All these companies needed liquidity to get them through the credit crises which warren provided. As a result Warren made billions of dollars at a 10% premium over his initial investment. If you have funds, this is the time to purchase real estate assets.
5. Start a businesses with Low Start-up cost: Recession creates a specific breed of entrepreneurs termed by Professor Ivan Light of University of California as "survivalist entrepreneurs". These entrepreneurs don't innovate but instead enter industries with low education requirements and small start-up costs that consumers still need despite hard times. In Kentucky, USA, a grandfather called Colonel Sanders started serving chicken at his gas station during the great depression. By 1937, he had expanded to a 142 seat restaurant due to popular demand. Coincidently, most survivalist entrepreneurs typically open businesses in the food industry.
Remember, during bad times, wealth is not actually destroyed, rather it is transferred from one group of people to another. During the last economic crises in the United States. Apple grew its revenues from around $25 billion to over $105 billion. Where did all that money come from?

A Profitable Business You Can Start With 15,000 Naira

NYLON BUSINESS... DISTRIBUTOR OR WHOLESALE OR RETAIL.The business is very profitable and demand is more than supply.Somebody will be making 3000 naira to 4000 naira everyday,it is sometin u see everywhere around u but people dont know that it is very profitable.I can help you buy good ones and send to you if it is expensive around you,but you need to learn about the business first.The business is very profitable and everybody can do it,I think women do it more in lagos.I will give you some info about it free ..........................................................................................................................................................
The Nylon business is a very profitable business here in lagos because population of people and market is huge,You can also make huge profit anywhere in any [state]with huge foodstuff maeket.Types of market location are ......... big foodstuff market,a busy area with good market,a place where they sell [rice in cups,garri,and other things.Do not forget[ foodstuff market with huge market women or a very big busy area with many sellers and buyers.

Do not just go to any busy area or any foodstuff market and open a shop[you must first go and check if there are many shops selling nylon ].Another advice,Instead of spending big money renting a shop....Look to construct a container of shop size to save cost.Advantages of staying in a container are...you will not spend much for space for your container,you will not be paying big rent,your profits will be going to your pocket,you may decide to sell a little lower more than people selling in a shop and customers will be huge for you.

Things to know
People with huge amount of money has startedbuilding plastic and recycling companies expecially in ogun state.People with 2 million to 10 million naira became distributors of this companies,you will register with the company and they will chanel all wholesalers and retailers around you to come and buy from your warehouse.If you do not have up to 1 million naira then you can become a wholesaler.There are many nylon companies but still demand is higher than supply.People bring containers from Thailand,Togo,Cotonou and many other countries because of the high demand.Just look around you and you will see many nylon products everywhere.There are many companies that sell at lower prices and they produce good nylon.

Profits in the business
Retailers that can supply to many market women make big profits on daily bases.You just need to be strong and use it as your daily excercise because you will have market women everywhere who needs the nylon from you.A bag of small black is sold between 12,000 naira to 15,000 naira depending the product quality.If you are in the business,you will know what tolook out for and how to buy the level of 12,000 naira per bag and sell it as the level of 15,000 naira product[you only need to learn and spot the tricks....anybody that is not in the business can not differentiate between the 2, you only need to learn and understand the business very well.A bag of small black nylon contains 10 bundles inside[a bundle contains 10 packets] and a packet contains 100 pieces .Some companies produce their packet 80 pieces and others 100 pieces.They are not the same price,difference of 2,000naira maximum.

You only need to go to do your supply very early in the morning everyday and go home to relax for 2 to 3 hrs and go again in the evening if you want( dis is for somebody dat doesnt have a shop,you will keep the bags of de nylon in your house bc it doesnt occupy much space).If you have a shop in a busy market,customers will come to buy from you both wholesales andretail[you can also supply to market women to make more money[sometimes people that supply to customers around him or her makes huge gain because most of those sellers can not leave their shop.You can employ 1 or 2 people and give them a supply target a day while you attend to people buying in bags,it is very profitable.A person that sell in bags inside a good marketshould me making between 8,000 naira and 10,000 naira daily if you can start with atleast 500,000 naira.The supply type fits friendly women very well and they are making good money.There are chalenges to know.A retailer can start with just 15,000 naira or 30,000 naira..he/she can finish a bag in a day or 2 and make between 4,000 naira to 5,000 naira.....if he or she has many customers and can move around more then more profit.There are other types of nylon but am using this type as the starting point in my teaching,if you understand this type then all other ones follow the same route of profit.Nylon do not spoil or damage easily unless fireoutbeak,renting a shop in lagos now in a good location is more than 150000 naira complete package(rent,agent and agreement) dependingon location.If its a container,you may get a space to pay 6000 naira or 12000 naira per year,then construct a container from 40,000 to 100,000 depending on size,[your property and its sellable]If there is money then shop is very ok.

7 ideas every business person must know

WHEN it comes to running a business, it’s easy to become drained and despondent because the truth is, it’s not a walk in the park. You have to hold everything together to ensure that your business is profitable, that you can pay salaries without delay, and that the work environment is as conducive to productivity as possible.However, every happy business owner knows that, in addition to taking care of business, you must also take care of yourself. Here are 7 ways to do just that:
1.Keep your workspace tidyApart from the negative effects of starting your morning with a cluttered desk, wasting time searching for stuff can make an already busy day feel much worse. Have a place for everything, and ensure that everything stays in their place. This way, you’re more productiveand less stressed out.
2.Nourish your mindYou can hardly read an interviewor story about a truly successful entrepreneur without books being mentioned. Many of them set targets, and some read50 books a year.Reading exercises your brain, helps your confidence grow as your knowledge does, and opens you up to new ways of running a business and living well. It’s never too late to cultivate a reading habit. If you don’t like flipping pages, then you can always buy audio books.
3. Use a to-do list for everythingYou’ve probably heard a hundredtimes that using a to-do list makes you more efficient at work, but did you know that it can also simplify your life all-round? Fulfilled business owners know that writing down their tasks, whether work-relatedor not, will help them enjoy life and work better.
4.Learn how to listen wellNo man is an island; you need information from others when running a business. So, you must learn to listen more than you speak. When it comes to receiving information, one major blockade is thinking that you already know what the person has to say. Effective listening includes letting the other person finish speaking instead of interrupting, as well as actually listening to what they’re really saying instead of being busy mentally formulating an answer even before they’re done.
5.Keep your finances in orderNobody is responsible for your financial well-being except you, so you must know the basics of money management and play bythe rules. When you’re not in a good place financially, it’s going to affect your business and the way you make decisions. If you’re in debt, come up with a plan to pay it off. If you’re debt-free, make sure you’re saving, investing and tracking your spending so as to plug any leaks. Stay financially healthy and your business will be better for it.
6.Be a giverThis is one secret that fulfilled business owners all over the world know too well. Whether or not you are a spiritual person, the benefits of giving are undeniable. A closed fist cannot receive. Money needs to flow, and that’s why you need to keep the channels open by giving. However, giving isn’t all about money. Give compliments, advice and support also. For instance, if you seize every opportunity to recommend a fellow entrepreneur, and by so doing help their business, you can expect it to come back to you when you need it.
7.Have quiet time dailyQuiet time is where you connect deeply with God, unburden and cleanse yourself, and receive guidance and direction. However, even if you’re not spiritually inclined, you can still benefit from a time of solitude and reflection, without people or gadgets to distract you. This time of refreshing will impact your business positively.

Feasibility/business Plan On Cooking Gas Refilling Plant

Dear Entrepreneur,
Cooking gas usage is fast on the increase especially in urban cities across Nigeria. Just within 5years, cooking gas consumption & Demand as grown over 120% and just less than 30% of our population uses cooking gas for cooking.The NNPC would be broken down into 30new independent Companies & CEOs and one would be dedicated soley to the LPG sector. This would further buttress the statement made in December 2015 by the The minister ofstate for petroleum resources and group managing director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Ibe Kachikwu that the NNPC would further deepen the use of LPG in Nigeria and also roll out free cylinders to every home in Nigeria.As you already know, cost and availability of Kerosene has tripled in just 3months and this is because subsidy on kerosene has been removed and importing the product into the market has been very expensive and difficult because CBN isn't given dollars to the importers.It Is therefore evident that the use and demand of LPG would double from 2016 and now is theright time to make investments in the sectorLPG Mini Cylinder Refilling Plants (MCRP) would be needed to bring closer gas to the consumers and retailers. This mini refilling plants are mobile and easy to operate.
 This type of refilling plants requires very small pieceof land/space and they can be easily relocatedto a more profitable location. The plants also have over 20years operating life span.
The cost of investment varies depending on the size & Capacity of the plant

Pneumatic System
● 2.5ton mini plant :N5million
● 5ton mini plant:N7million

Electronic System
● 2.5tons mini plant:N7million
● 5tons mini plant:N9million

Our business plans/feasibility reports on this business are highly needed to give more enlightenment on this type of investment to potential investors. The reports are bankable and professionally written as they are needed to guide your investment decisions, business growth, seek for loans from banks (BOI & commercial banks) and attract investors.For those that do not have the money now to start up, such plans are needed to get loans.Ours plan have been calculated on 25% interest rate with a 3months momoratum.The business plan comes with a 3years financial report which includes:
● Sales Forecast
● Cost Forecast
● Financial plan (Including Loan repayment plan)
● Profit and loss
● Operational plan (including startup operation)
● Business Cash flow.
● Viability AnalysisCost of the Feasibility/business report:N20, 000

We also give free market research report on LPG use in 6 cities in Nigeria (Lagos, Owerri, Benin, Abuja, Kano & Portharcourt)We assure you that with a good location, the right business model and strategic marketing , you can generate over N300, 000 monthly as Profit After Tax monthly.

How To Survive The Present Hard-times In Nigeria

We live in a time where the purchasing power of the Naira keeps sinking. While some may argue that the policy of the Nigerian government is affecting the economy adversely or whether or not there is inflation in the country. The citizens of this Nation are taking the biggest blow. It will be wise to acknowledge that the events of the past months will continue into the future. Prices will continue to soar as exchange rates continue tofall. We are in a difficult time and here are four advice on how to survive these periods.1- ACCEPT AND PREPAREFor you to recognize that there is inflation is a step in the right direction. Living with the hope that things will return to normal will only result to disappointments. The earlier you prepare yourself physically and mentally, the better your chances of survival. When you wake in the morning knowing that what was worth N100 yesterday is now N150. You begin the day with a better spirit and vigor than those who lack this knowledge.2- EVOLVE AND ADAPTDuring inflation, your money loses value. You become at risk of starvation, subsequently it affects your standard of living negatively. It is time for you to adapt. Anytime you want to spend, ask yourself if you really need what you are spending on. You must forego the necessary things for the important ones. For instance, buy non perishable goods, use public transport, and buy for long-term gain items like cereals, powders, packaged goods and even bread. There are a lot of things you can buy to save money. The idea is not to live cheap, but to live smartly.3- GET RID OF CASH (INVEST)When money keeps losing its value everyday, then why keep it? Since there is no foreseeableend to this financial crisis, the best option is to turn your money (cash) into commodity or asset. Everything will increase in price, therefore the logic behind this is that if you have a Hundred Thousand Naira. You should use it to buy assets or commodities, this will give you control over your wealth and probably make profits. Cash is a dangerous thing to holdin times like this. It is ideal to invest in something that generates cash flow or something that will at the very least bring back your money when sold.4- REDUCE YOUR DEBTSIt is easier to get into debt than to get out. The problem of being in debt is that you become a slave to your creditors. Your financial health becomes at risk. You must understand that debt is the first step to financial collapse whether as an individual or organization. Whenthere is economic hard times like this, people who are in debt are the first to go down. So, if you can pay off any debt you may have, it will go a long way towards improving your financial situation. By reducing the amount of expenses you have to cover you will be better prepared to handle a financial loss. And if you are lucky, you won’t have to worry about peopleknocking on your door. You only have to concentrate on improving your living standard.Watch out for the second part on how to profit from inflation. Please live your comments and share with your friends and loved ones.

Investment Rules Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The aim of investing in any kind of business is to make profit and anything contrary to that is unacceptable to entrepreneurs.One way to ensure that a business keeps growing is investing wisely and according to experts, this involves certain characteristics that an investor needs to have in order to build wealth.Business analysts say an entrepreneur begins to build wealth when passive income reaches a point where it can give financial independence.Entrepreneur and author, Joshua Kennon, saysone step to investing wisely is for an investor to do what works for him.He also highlights other rules for reinvestment,and they include:Never owning something you don’t understandAccording to Kennon, for an investor to avoid financial heartache, he must not buy or hold anything he cannot explain in simple terms such as how it can generate money, what its potential pitfalls, and how that money found itsway into his hands.He adds, “Do you know the difference between a share of stock and a master limited partnership unit? No? Then don’t buy MLPs through your broker. They look like stocks, trade like stocks, but are most definitely not stocks. You can be in for an unpleasant tax surprise if you start collecting them without knowing what you’re doing.“Do you know how preferred stock differs from common stock and corporate bonds? No? Then don’t buy them. The same goes for everything from convertible shares to real estate investment trusts. There’s plenty of timeto learn about these securities and you can always buy them later.”Protect yourself against the downside by proactively managing riskKennon says risk is ever-present but that managing money and investing wisely require an investor to respect it while simultaneously reducing it.He adds that if an entrepreneur fails to reduce risks a lifetime of savings may be compromised.“There are the three types of investment risk, there’s liquidity risk, there’s inflation risk, there’s market risk, counter-party risk, fraud risk. On and on it goes. This is one of the reasons it is so important to focus not on absolute returns, but on risk-adjusted returns; to actively, constantly, strive to reduce risk,” he says.Take advantage of the power of compound interest as early as possibleExperts say investing wisely means harnessing the power of compound interest. According to them, the earlier an entrepreneur starts, the easier it is to amass a good net worth.Kennon says if an entrepreneur wants to know how to get rich, the secret is either to put a lot of money to work, let it work for a long period of time, or both.Minimise taxesAccording to experts, the more an entrepreneurcan save on taxes, the more money he will have working for him. They add that every entrepreneur must learn how to take advantage of deferred tax liabilities, but shouldavoid cheating on taxes.

10+ Small Business ideas & Opportunities in Africa

Are you an investor or entrepreneur looking to invest or start a business in any of the African countries? Do you want to know the best investment opportunities or small business opportunities in Africa? Then read on.Centuries ago, Europe was the darling economy of the world; until America rose to become the world’s economic power. Now, Asia has the most countries with the fastest rising economy followed closely by Africa. Africa is perceived tobe one of the frontrunners of future economic growth next to Asia.Africa’s foreign development investment has significantly improved over the past decade. It is forecasted to have a $150Billion growth by 2015 with Africans themselves leading the investment growth across the continent.
So without wasting your time, here is a listof top 10investment ideas and small business opportunities in Africa.10+ Small Business ideas & Opportunitiesin Africa
1. Fiber Optics + Internet service provisionAs Africa open up to the world, there is a tremendous increase in the demand for quality telecommunication and internet service. Take for instance, video and web conferencing, web TV are yet to fully utilized in Africa because of the poor internet speed experienced in most African countries.This is where the need for Fiber optics cable comes in. This opens doors for outsourcing business and e-commerce ventures as the price of internet connection will be lower. In my country Nigeria, companies such as MainOne and Glo have taken the lead in the laying of fiber optics cable but the industry is not yet competitive; and other African countries are still untapped.
2. Industrial Zones and Free Trade ZonesIndustrial and free trade zones are springing up rapidly in Africa and South Africa is taking the lead. This is proof that the African government is determined to improve its world ranking.If you run a manufacturing firm or you have plans to go global and tap into Africa’s potential,then you should consider the industrial zone because it offers strategic economic advantage with its location near local and national transportation links. This also opens doors to employment opportunities. And businesses that will be established in this zone will help support the expanding manufacturing industry and add value to the economy.
3.Government Tenders and ContractsResponding to government and non-governmenttenders is next in thetop 10 business opportunities in Africa.Since Africa is a fledging industrialized continent, the governments of various countries have an open market policy making it tenders an opportunity for business.
4.Outsourced Business Process ServicesAnother smallbusiness opportunity in Africais Business Process Services. BPS lowers administrative and operating costs. Thus, it makes it easy and possible for the business to provide new services, improve core business activities and enhance customer service. With the massive population and high number of jobless graduates, technicians and technologist,you can set up a firm that will deliver administrative services to developed countries at a cheaper rate.Take for instance data entry services, database management services,call center services and customer care servicesare examples of services that most developed countries outsource to countries with skilled but cheap workforce.
5.Real Estate DevelopmentIn the list of thetop 10 business opportunities in Africais real estate. Purchasing or developing commercial property in Africa is very advantageous since it has appreciated over the past ten years. Evidence to this is the fact that demand for commercial real estate in countries such as South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, etc have gone up to 400%, a growth caused by foreign investors and the increasing demand of offices by new businesses.But is commercial real estate the only lucrative aspect of real estate in Africa? My answer is no. There is also an overwhelming for residential properties and the rest. In fact, regardless of the area of real estate you venture into; you are bound to reap bountiful profits.
6.Health CareSixth in thetop 10 business opportunities in Africais health care. The standard of health carein Africa is very poor when compared to the standards in Europe, Asia and America. Secondary and tertiary healthcare services havea high investment potential in Africa as health management, research and information technology are lacking. This also offers the opportunities to serve a social cause.Taking my country Nigeria as an instance, the health care facilities on ground are obsolete andunreliable that most people seek medical checkup abroad and delicate surgeries such as heart and kidney transplant are done abroad.
7. ICT InfrastructureSince Africa lacks infrastructure in the field of communication and information technology, it isa goodinvestment opportunity. There are local IT and communications companies looking to expand their business and is seriously looking for foreign investors to make it possible; therebycreating opportunity for private investors to help make a thriving company improve its operationsin return for a profit.
8.Power generationEighth in thetop 10 investment opportunities in Africais Nigeria’s need for infrastructure in the field of power generation. The government in fact has announced its plan to attract $100 billion in investments over the next five years forits power sector. And when there is a need to be satisfied, there are much business opportunitiesbehind.In fact, there is a plan privatization process in place and to be sincere with you; power generation is the next big business not only in Nigeria but Africa as a whole. In fact, power generation is highly untapped because the primary source of power in Africa is Hydro and itis still under-utilized whilesolar, wind, nuclear, etc are still untapped.
9. Agro-Allied investmentNext in the list of business opportunities in Africa is still in Nigeria which needs agricultural equipment, chemical supplies, waste recycling operations and fertilizers. But I want to emphasize the point that that the need for agro-allied equipments is not peculiar to Nigeria alone but all African countries.In conclusion, I want you to know that every sector of the economy in Africa has huge untapped potential; fromtechnology, agriculture,food industry, services, real estate, etc. They all have the potential to yield good return on investment.

100 ideas to Start a Profitable Business in Africa

From today, we are starting a series of posts focused on ideas to start a profitable business in Africa . We will present them segment by segment. Here are 10 ideas to start a business targeting expatriates in your country.
Overall, our purpose is to simulate your mind, and encourage you to start your next business in Africa.
1. International Aid and investment segment opportunities
The international aid for Africa is a $40-billion-a-year industry. Most of this, is easy money to take, mostly for corruption and overpaid expatriates; however smart startups would be wise to explore the needs of this huge international organizations full of the laziest people in the planet always in search of someone to do their job for them or make their life easier. Here is a list of 10 ideas to create customized services or application for their use:
#1: Personal Service provider for local expatriate
More and more foreign people are heading to Africa, the last frontier of economical opportunities. Additional to the foreign aid employees, there are also more and more expatriates coming to Africa with the $48 billion-a-year foreign investment in Africa Business.
In some cities like Nairobi, Luanda, Dakar, Accra, Addis-Ababa these expatriates are thousands. They are rich, noisy, visible. They have very specific needs compared to local people.
Any smart company that would successfullycreate a set of services (travel, visas, registration, residency status, dual nationality questions, legal issues of marriage and divorce, visa runs) for this community in any given country, could easily expand the same concierge service to other countries. There is lot of money here waiting for smart and opportunist entrepreneurs.
#2 First-world quality Internet, mobile services or application customized for local environment
These guys have money. They are used to some first-world internet and mobile service they won’t have locally. It’s important to study their daily life in your city, survey them about their needs, and find out about things that might be very helpful for them to survive in Africa jungle. They will thank with their easily earned dollars and smiles.
#3 Food delivery for infrastructure/construction workers
It’s the easiest and quickest way to become rich. Design a mobile food service specialized in construction sites. You move your restaurant to serve breakfast, lunch, snacks, sandwich and casual drink close to the workers. You move and follow the sites. You are the first to know all new construction sites where will be hundreds of workers and expatriates. Deliver good food, cheap, and fast with a friendly touch.
There are hundreds of construction sites in many countries, financed by foreign aid or investment.
#4 Online expat forums
There are many expatriates forums online, but very little cover African countries, with ground information and assistance.
This forum could started with very little effort in connection with local expatriates. You might first start by creating a local association for expats in your city/country with social gatherings and activities, then move on to have an online version focused on providing useful and relevant information.
2 girls and one guy could start this on their free time, and finally make it a profitable business with add-ons services.
One advise: focus your forum on one country, yours.
#5 Controlled origin vegetables and meat delivery service
Most of the vegetables, and meat in the local market in big cities in Africa are not trusted by expatriates.
There is a huge opportunity in putting in place a good logistic to identify and deliver to urban market a controlled origin food that these expatriated population can trust. They are ready to pay 10 times local prices.
#6 Create a full-service job agency
One of the biggest issue you have when you start a business in Africa is how to find good employees, with required competencies, work ethics and good health.
Most of the international organizations, corporations in Africa spend countless hours on their hiring process, but to find out that they have failed to hire the right people. Employees turnover is huge.
There are very few professional head hunters, and very few job agencies with specialized skills. This is one of the best opportunity to pursue at this present time in Africa.
#7 Field Data collection & statistics
Independent projects monitoring and postmortem data collection is one of the fields where international organizations in Africa needs help. They need this data for their report and spend huge amount of money for that.
Currently this job is done by hiring huge consulting firm in London, which in turn subcontract to some small consulting firms in Europe which organize data collection teams on the ground. The teams are disband at the end of each project.
A local company which will specialize in field data collection will fill the gap for the international organizations, but also be a good service provider for local government which in most case doesn’t have any reliable statistics institute.
These kind of company could be started by a group sociologists and statisticians with the support of a networks of niche experts.
#8 Local investment opportunities / banking services
Africa is currently perceived as a new land of opportunity by the whole world. Old colonial powers and Chinese are in fight to have access to the emerging opportunities. Expatriates living in Africa are now better off investing their money in African banks or companies’ stocks than into their failing banks and economies. That create a huge opportunity for investment advisers and personal finance planners to create tools and services for this community.
This opportunity could be explored as a confidential investment newsletter, investment boutique, index fund or index tracker agency.
#9 Procurement services for international projects
This is a huge opportunity for young business administration graduates who have deep passion for international commerce, procurement, and have the discipline to manage large scale logistic projects.
Many African countries still lack reliable and large scale Procurement outsourcing services providers in front a huge and growing demand either by local entrepreneurs, and administration or by international organizations.
#10 Expat newspapers, magazine, Classified
Expatriates communities classified paper and online magazine is a profitable niche business to explore in big African cities where there are thousands of expats.
It could be done as an extension to a large circulation magazine or an independent endeavor
That’s all for today. During the next days, this series on Business opportunities in Africa will continue to cover the following areas:
2. e-government or mobile-government
How to empower African administration to server their citizen with internet and mobile technology. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
3. Physical Security and data encryption and protection
Security is a huge issue in many African countries. Opportunities for business are endless here: from physical security to helping African governments protect their data from hackers and spies, You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
4. Servers farms for local e-commerce
Currently most of African websites are hosted in Europe or United States. As the continent Internet and mobile applications usage grows, there will be a huge need for reliable servers farms and hosting companies in Africa. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
5. E-libraries and affordable e-books readers for students
Africa will by-pass the area of huge physical libraries and go directly to digital libraries where students and citizens could access millions of books and materials through tablets. This digital revolution is a huge opportunities for education in Africa, but will need smart entrepreneurs to negotiate the deals, clear the patch of adoption and build the necessary platforms that will support that revolution. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
6. Housing
Africa is young and buoyant, but has a huge housing problem in all its urban areas. Government and private investors in this area will need the support of edgy and ambitious entrepreneurs. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
7. IP and patents protection
As the African economy will continue to grow, business will start slowly caring about their brand and IP (Intellectual Properties) protection and will need companies to help them in doing the ground work of monitoring, identifying breaches and taking actions.
Young lawyers in search of business opportunities will receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
8. Review & Rating
Trust is important in any economy, and for new and growing capitalist economies like in Africa, good and independent Review and rating agencies and services providers will be well positioned to take on this lucrative market. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
9. Energy and Transportation
Everything in this segment is to be done. From the smallest village to the biggest cities, Africa needs the most courageous, the most pragmatic, and the most compassionate entrepreneurs to succeed here. You’ll receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.
10. e-commerce
E-commerce in Africa is only in its very early stages, however there are lot of opportunities to seize. A good positioning, and a well rounded branding and customers service will help any well funded startup in this segment to make fortunes. You’ll also receive 10 ideas to start a business in this segment.

Introduction to businessafrican

Hello Africans!!! My name is Abdulrazak Abdullahi, a Nigerian and a student of Business Administration, University of Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria. Without much ado I will love to introduce you to businessafrica.blogspot.com. As a businessman in making, we are all aware of the problems we face in our task to create a successful business. I'm not saying this is an automatic path to success but this will be the first guild for building a successful business. I'm still a student myself, so I don't have all the ideas, this is why I'm putting down my email (iamrazhi@yahoo.com) so that those experts, fellow students, professionals and others in different fields can also contribute to the success of all those out there who will love to start a successful business. This is a new blogspot and I pray and beg for your patience because with yours and mine we will do great things... Thank you